No, it's called Geocaching. Basically, it's taking the technological advancements of the last 20+ years in satellite navigation (GPS) and applying that to treasure hunting. But, instead of burried treasure of some obscure pirate 6 paces from a pair of palm trees that cross in the form of an 'X' you find army surplus ammo cans (or various other containers) with a log book and maybe some inexpensive trade items. For a more detailed explaination go to .
Now, I have gotten into this hobby pretty hardcore. Well maybe hardcore is a little strong. But I am really enjoying it. I trek through dense woods in search of elusive treasure. And I've found approximately 11 caches so far. Floridian wilderness is very awesome. And bushwhacking through it can be fun. I have the scratches from the saw palmettos to prove it. I'm not sure if anyone can understand what it's like to find a cache after searching for an hour in the woods.
Of course the real reason for geocaching is to get people out into the world to enjoy what is out there. In other words, to stop and smell the roses. Finding the cache is one thing but usually it's the journey too and from the cache that is the real reward.
This new hobby has openned my eyes to what is around. I hope I stick with it for a while.
Geeks in the woods looking for hidden treasure!