Aaron Martina is an Florida based programmer and an international man of mystery. Well, he's not all that mysterious but he does travel the world now and then taking photos, eating interesting foods and diving the depths.

The Rising 5k - The Risening

Last year I ran this same race and you can read about it here. Basically, it is a run through a section of downtown Oviedo organized by the Oviedo Preservation Project who do a bunch of events around this weekend and this time of year. On my walk to the gathering of runners I was treated to a pre-dawn vista. 2015 10 31 07 11 30

Again I had planned on doing the interval of 2 minutes of running with a recovery of 2 minutes of walking. After stretching and attempting to mental prepare myself it was time to run. I started out strong although I had to dodge a lot of walkers, slow runners and strollers. It was amazing how many kids and strollers there were this year. Anyway, I started to lose my steam and will power about halfway into the race. I stopped sticking to my intervals and I started walking more. It was quite a bit warmer this year and I’m a bit more out of shape. My unofficial time was 39:41 which isn’t my worst but definitely isn’t my best. I didn’t stick around long enough to get my official time. I just got a water and said hi to a friend who was helping to organize some aspects of the event and then I went to breakfast before the crowd migrated over. Here’s my obligatory shirt and bib:

2015 10 31 16 57 14

UPDATE: Official time is 39:43.8

Texas road trip - day 1

Two races in one week