The Martina Times

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The Rising 5k - The Risening

Last year I ran this same race and you can read about it here. Basically, it is a run through a section of downtown Oviedo organized by the Oviedo Preservation Project who do a bunch of events around this weekend and this time of year. On my walk to the gathering of runners I was treated to a pre-dawn vista. 2015 10 31 07 11 30

Again I had planned on doing the interval of 2 minutes of running with a recovery of 2 minutes of walking. After stretching and attempting to mental prepare myself it was time to run. I started out strong although I had to dodge a lot of walkers, slow runners and strollers. It was amazing how many kids and strollers there were this year. Anyway, I started to lose my steam and will power about halfway into the race. I stopped sticking to my intervals and I started walking more. It was quite a bit warmer this year and I’m a bit more out of shape. My unofficial time was 39:41 which isn’t my worst but definitely isn’t my best. I didn’t stick around long enough to get my official time. I just got a water and said hi to a friend who was helping to organize some aspects of the event and then I went to breakfast before the crowd migrated over. Here’s my obligatory shirt and bib:

2015 10 31 16 57 14

UPDATE: Official time is 39:43.8