Aaron Martina is an Florida based programmer and an international man of mystery. Well, he's not all that mysterious but he does travel the world now and then taking photos, eating interesting foods and diving the depths.

Mini-posts: Real Florida 5k

I ran another 5k this past weekend and did so so. I survived and finished so I guess that counts for something. This was the second time that I have run this particular event. It's a cross country race within the Wekiva Springs State Park which is a really great park just north and west of Orlando.

Official time: 45:46.794

My recorded time: 45:18

The discrepancy is due to there not being a chip reader at the start of the race to mark when I crossed the starting line.

Here's the bling.

Mini-posts: Bok Tower Gardens

Mini-posts: Bok Tower Gardens

Mini-posts: Space Race 2017 - 4 miles

Mini-posts: Space Race 2017 - 4 miles