Derby Dive 2022 - Boynton Beach, FL
It’s been quite a few months since I got my fins wet so I was so pleased to be able to go down to Boynton Beach and get aboard the Loggerhead yet again. The weather was just about perfect with the waves being the flattest I think I have ever experienced in this area. Our first dive on Saturday, at Boynton Ledges, we saw a mess of turtles including two that seemed to be attempting to make baby turtles. I even had a turtle swim right up to me. Of course I didn’t have my camera on this dive but it was very enjoyable.
The second dive, Kronen’s Ledges, had a few nurse sharks. At one point I was looking off to my left and when I swung my head right I came face to face with a nurse shark. I only had time to snap a quick pick that got its fin (it’s in the pictures on this post).
Post diving on the first day we had a nice get together to watch the Kentucky Derby. My horse actually won.
Sunday morning the diving was awesome again. Our first dive, Green Roof had a bit of current but there were tons of fishes. Our last dive of the weekend, Boynton Combs, was the perfect way to finish a dive trip.