Aaron Martina is an Florida based programmer and an international man of mystery. Well, he's not all that mysterious but he does travel the world now and then taking photos, eating interesting foods and diving the depths.

Health Kick Update August 2012

If you have been following my interests as of late then you would know that I am on a health kick. As part of this self-imposed improvement program I have made sharing my progress (or lack of) public so that you, my family and friends, can assist in motivating me.

The subtitle for this post is "How easy it is to fall off the wagon".

Food Intake

I have stopped tracking my caloric intake. Oops! I haven't been going crazy with the food that I have been eating but I haven't exactly been careful either.


Luckily, when I have taken my weight over the last couple of months it has for the most part gone down. It is now hovering around 224 lbs.


I have been extremely inconsistent with my workout routine. In other words there has been no routine. I hiked a lot in Alaska and Western North Carolina but other than that I haven't been inconsistently active.


Here is a restatement of my goals and where I am on each

  • Reduce weight to 190lbs - I'm at 224 lbs now
  • Reduce waist size to 36 inches - currently 43.5 inches
  • Ability to do 100 pushups
  • Ability to complete a 5k run - I had completed week 4 of Cto5K but I've not been running lately

A Request For Input

Health Kick Update April 2012