Aaron Martina is an Florida based programmer and an international man of mystery. Well, he's not all that mysterious but he does travel the world now and then taking photos, eating interesting foods and diving the depths.

Health Kick Update April 2013

If you have been following my blog then you would know that I was on a health kick. As part of this self-imposed improvement program I have made sharing my progress (or lack of) public so that you, my family and friends, can assist in motivating me. I have done very poorly for the past six months and have over the past two months attempted to back into the swing of things.

Food Intake

I have been horrible over the past six months. I stopped tracking my food and I started to eat a lot more desserts and snacks and high caloric meals. This has affected my weight. This past week I tried to start not eating bread or other foods with large carbohydrate counts. That was until this weekend when I totally fell off the wagon again.


My weight has increased since October and I'm currently hovering around 230 lbs. That's an extra thirteen pounds. This is definitely the wrong direction. My short term goal will be to drop to 225 by the end of April which will bring me back to where I was in January.


In December I decided that I needed more exercise (because I was basically at zero) and I started slowly by doing about three long walks or hikes per week. After the new year I decided to get back on doing the Cto5K program. It was definitely difficult to get back to jogging. As the weeks passed I noticed that I was progressing but at a slower pace than the program dictates. But progress is progress.

On February 23rd I was supposed to participate in a Run & Paddle event with a three mile off-road run followed by a three mile paddle in a local river. Well while I was getting my kayak off my truck I stepped down on a big piece of gravel and rolled my left ankle. I heard a pop. Yay! So anyway, I didn't run that day but I was able to hobble around without crutches. This of course put me on the injury roster for about two weeks as I rested my ankle and learned to walk without limping.

I can jog on it now but it definitely is not back to normal. I would say that it's about 90%. What little jogging form I had before seems gone now. But I'll keep working on it until it is back to 100%.

I think I also need to find some other activities for the days that I'm traveling.


Here is a restatement of my goals and where I am on each

  • Reduce weight to 190lbs - I'm at 230 lbs now
  • Reduce waist size to 36 inches - currently 43.5 inches
  • Ability to do 100 pushups
  • Ability to complete a 5k run - I had completed week 4 of Cto5K but I've not been running lately


Why I don't drink...

Podcasts That I Enjoy - Tekzilla and Tekzilla Daily Tip